Degrees and Programs

If you enjoy digging into business transactions, the details of tax planning, or analyzing financial statements, our Accounting program fits your goals, determination and ethics.
Art History
If you see art as a form of language, for its beauty and deep reflection of history and culture, we'll teach you how to preserve and grow collections, articulate the stories, and honor the truth expressed in art.
Biomedical Laboratory Science
Hands-on medical lab training amplifies your skillset, preparing you for a fulfilling career focused on microbiology, virology, immunology, hematology, and more.
Business Sales
You are great at selling. Why not thrive? 拥有SAU的商业销售学位,你将获得更多的工作机会, start at a higher-than-average salary, and more quickly achieve sales goals.
Computer Network Administration
Solve problems and oversee function and maintenance in organizations, security firms, government, and more with your Computer Network Administration degree. Your diligence for efficiency, attention to detail, and persistence through challenges is rewarded and recognized at St. Ambrose.
Data Science and Analytics
Numbers tell stories but not everyone speaks the language. As business moves deeper into the digital age, the need for curious and talented data scientists and analysts rapidly grows. Does data speak to you? Join this state-of-the-industry program and see where data can take you.
Secondary Education
如果你努力超越基本的知识和技能,而是激发探索, discovery, confidence, and potential, you belong in our Educator Preparation Program. 你对学生生活的影响是巨大的,而且是几代人的. We approach your professional education in the exact same way.
Whether you strive for a career in teaching, law, writing, library science, or a bevy of other sectors, studying English at St. Ambrose helps you acquire skills and gain opportunities to master your craft.
Forensic Psychology
Our Forensic Psychology program ties the classroom to the world, and you'll thrive through experience. Intern as a victim advocate. Guide a former inmate through programs and resources. Or, research patterns of crime. At SAU, your education amplifies your impact in the world.
Industrial Engineering
Whether you want to create more efficient manufacturing processes, increase product quality for consumers, or oversee worksite improvements, St. Ambrose will challenge and support you.
Justice, Diversity, and Gender Studies
我们竞技宝app下载教育应该加强你的奉献精神,创造一个更美好的世界. 我们的正义、多样性和性别研究项目侧重于不同的问题和行动. Through academics, civic engagement, and meaningful internships, 你会成为一个积极的倡导者,一个成功的世界塑造者——并帮助他人成功, too.
Mathematics and Statistics
Whether your goal is to analyze statistics, teach math to young minds at the middle or high school level, or delve into the burgeoning field of data science, St. Ambrose has an outstanding Mathematics program that can help you succeed.
Music at St. Ambrose is enriching and expressive, 提供有抱负的音乐家和教育工作者所需的深入培训和经验.
Online Psychology
In today's fast-paced world, 提供灵活的在线学习机会使我们能够为所有学生提供以人为本的心理学课程, regardless of location.
无论你的目标是在法庭上为客户辩护还是指导并购, 我们提供具有挑战性的法律预科课程,帮助你建立自己的道德规范,并按照自己的价值观行事. An Ambrosian education is excellent preparation for law school.
By exploring cultures and environments, you learn to navigate the many facets of crime, poverty, and inequity. At St. 竞技宝app下载安装,我们的社会学课程帮助你了解我们广阔的世界和塑造生活的力量. It's an education that empowers your confidence and action.
Public Relations and Strategic Communication
公共关系是一个涉及面广、令人兴奋的职业,它能带来不同, build bridges among organizations, is responsible for media relationships, and protects brand reputations in every industry. If your desire is to shape and influence how people engage with brands, organizations, and media, your career path into public relations should begin at St. Ambrose University.
Art and Design
我们的艺术与设计和艺术教育学士学位将挑战你的创造力,提升你的技能, allowing you to explore and perfect your craft.
Behavioral Neuropsychology
Discover the biological meaning behind behaviors, delve into research with your classmates, and help solve the mysteries behind the mind-body problem. Start your journey into this cutting-edge field at St. Ambrose.
Business Programs at SAU
Ethics, making positive impacts in the community, and ensuring job-ready graduates are focal points of our bachelor's, master's, and doctoral business programs.
With a Chemistry degree from St. Ambrose, 你将有能力用自然科学家的技能来调查和影响世界.
Massive data breaches or dangerous cyber attacks are becoming more frequent. 为什么不在保卫网络安全和数据完整性的第一线作战? 我们顽强的教师们精通最新的工具和趋势,并建立了强大的课程来提供这些工具, skills and resolve you'll need to win the day (and a great job.)
Early Childhood Education
无论你是想指导幼儿的发现和学习,还是在教室里指导二年级的学生, you can have a profound influence on youth. SAU为您提供教育的技能和点燃奇迹世界的信心.
Bachelor of Education
无论你是否意识到你的人生使命是与年轻人一起工作,还是决定追求第二职业或学位, our Bachelor of Education program lets you focus on just the courses you need. At SAU, you can reach your teaching goals faster.
Exercise Science
Rigorous, yes. Rewarding, definitely. 如果你对健康和帮助他人实现他们最大的潜力充满热情, a degree in Exercise Science is for you.
无论你是想把你对过去的热情转化为你的职业,还是寻求你需要的法律技能, political, or business career, St. Ambrose has the program to set you on a path to achieving your goals.
International Business
Our International Business students don't look down: they look ahead. 他们带着指导企业在亚洲扩张或使当地企业在国际上取得成功的技能,昂首阔步地走向世界. It takes strong ethics, deep respect for cultures, and the skills to lead in our ever-changing global economy. At SAU, you'll get a bold, and broad, business education.
在SAU,我们竞技宝app下载有效的领导必须是道德领导的同义词. Our Management program prepares you to launch a small business, manage a retail chain, or guide teams within a multinational Fortune 500 company. Set the example others will follow.
Mechanical Engineering
If you view the world as having unlimited potential, love to solve problems, and envision a career of true impact, 我们的机械工程课程将激励您向前推进能源领域, improve community water systems, streamline manufacturing, and more.
Music Education
Maybe you've experienced the deep, emotional intensity of a crescendo, achieved perfect pitch, mastered the evolution of a sonata, or understand the magic of a grace note. 在我们的音乐教育课程中,您将学习如何激发和培养下一代人才.
Whether you want to study law, practice medicine, or increase your ability to reason and spot fallacious arguments, Philosophy is the nucleus for thought and discovery. It's an even better preparation for life.
在我们的心理学课程中,您将深入研究人类行为和情感以获得知识, skills, 用同情心来发现自己的长处,尊重你遇到的每个人的观点.
Spanish and Latinx Studies
满足你对其他文化的好奇心,主修西班牙语和拉丁语研究. 在SAU,你可以成为一名世界公民,向每个人和每种文化学习. Immerse yourself and see the world through new eyes, gain an edge in the job market, and fulfill your passion for learning.
除了准备在信仰团体中过积极的信仰和服务的生活, our graduates are ready to approach the challenges of the world, and their diverse career paths, in thoughtful and creative ways.
Art Education
无论你是想教三年级的学生如何画画,还是想激励高中生尝试各种媒介, 我们的教师教育计划为您获得执照和成功的职业生涯做好准备.
Pursue a path of hands-on exploration, develop an inquisitive mind, and impact the living world around you in our Biology program.
BBA in Economics
运用会计和财务原理分析组织结构,并将其应用于业务. Combined with a liberal arts education, you can make businesses stronger, more viable, and help the world economy thrive.
Computer Science
当你可以推动世界向前发展,尤其是在IT领域,为什么要后退呢? At SAU, you gain the skills to keep business, government and and society running smooth, secure, and always advancing. Whether you want to design mobile apps or enterprise software solutions, we prepare you for a rewarding career.
Criminal Justice
你是否渴望使用执法工具来保护你的竞技宝app下载安全, prevent youth from ever entering the justice system, or earn the degree needed to elevate your career, an SAU education can make it happen.
Education, Elementary
If your ambition is to cultivate young minds, 与处于成长阶段的孩子分享你对学习的热情和热爱, SAU将为你在课堂和生活中达到甚至超越你的目标做好准备.
Whether your dream is to advance the field of avionics, design clean energy wind farms, or create new assistive technology so people can live more active lives, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering programs at St. Ambrose University can put your plans into action.
Whether you want to turn your investment hobby into a career, help families plan for retirement and college dreams, work with local entrepreneurs or even a corporation in Japan, St. Ambrose University has a remarkable program to help you achieve your goals.
Human Performance and Fitness
If you're passionate about wellness, helping others achieve their highest potential, and approaching health and fitness with holistic confidence, then you'll want a degree from St. Ambrose in Human Performance and Fitness.
International Studies
Issues and challenges are opportunities to transform the world. 我们的国际研究项目为您提供指导和影响全球政策的教育和技能, improve conditions in third world countries, or teach internationally. It's a broad education, full of new experiences, so you can discover your passion and become a force of change.
随着全球市场的扩大,企业和经济也在不断发展. You will, too. With a Marketing degree from SAU, you'll learn how to catch the eye of consumers, spark sales, and establish a brand.
Multimedia Journalism
Journalists witness the world. They also share it. 在SAU,你将学习平衡事实、观点和个人故事的艺术. You'll build your ethics and creativity, 并获得写作和技术能力,以发人深省的方式告知读者和观众.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
如果你在帮助别人的过程中充满活力,并且希望每个人都能获得最好的体验, healthiest life, 在我们的护理课程中,您将获得影响医疗保健和您所接触的生活的技能和信心.
Political Science
Whether you aspire to be a leader in politics, law, government service, or within a public agency, St. Ambrose has a program to help you achieve your goals.
Bachelor of Social Work
如果你竞技宝app下载赋权是一条改变的道路,并寻求成为社会正义的一股力量, 在我们的BSW项目中获得解决各级社会问题的技能和信心. 是的,你可以产生影响,激发变革,推动你的竞技宝app下载向前发展.
Sport Management
If you have a passion for sports, a keen sense for business and a natural talent for promotions, a sport management degree from St. 竞技宝app下载安装将融合你的能力和驱动的技能,以管理一个半职业联赛, run a golf course, or raise funds for an at-risk youth sports camp.

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